
Every product or service listed on this page is something I personally use, and/or I believe will be helpful to you. Some of these listings may contain affiliate links.

My Digital Scholarship Essentials. I use these every day.


Never submit a scholarship or college application without having it checked by Grammarly.

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Keep the personal info on your scholarship and college applications secure and private with ProtonMail.

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College Prep and Planning Services

Chariot Learning

Chariot Learning helps students reach their best SAT & ACT scores quickly and efficiently while teaching real academic and success skills. Find out why this small Upstate New York educational company and its innovative approach to expert, individualized instruction is respected and sought after across the U.S.

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The College Dude

Dan Cieniewicz, aka The College Dude, is a Certified Financial Planner that works with parents of teenage children, helping them strategize to pay for college while also staying on track for retirement. Dan’s goal when working with clients is to explain the complexities of the financial aid & college application process and to strategize to make sure that both parents and children are set up for long term success.

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College Essentials: Don’t Go Off To College Without These.

Mama Bear

Will you be able to help your 18-year old in an emergency? Don’t let your student go off to college before they have a Young Adult POA in place.

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Before you buy your textbooks at your college’s bookstore, check eCampus for cheap textbooks

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“Go to Class”

Go to Class: How to Succeed at College is the perfect gift for the college-bound student. The book is full of engaging tips about how to thrive at college. Go to Class provides authentic insider secrets from an experienced higher education professional.

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No Debt College is all about saving money!
Here are some tools I use to save money every day: